Maria da Graça S. Abrantes

página em português
First Degree (Licenciatura - a
five year degree) in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, September
From October 1979 to June 1984, system analyst of the
UNIVAC-1100 Software Development and System Support Department of SPERRY-UNIVAC
From July 1984 to July 1998, assistant lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at the School of Agriculture of Lisbon Technical
University. Past
activities included the management of the VAX/VMS computer network in the Computer Center of the School of Agriculture
and research work on Database Management Systems, Decision Support Systems and
Methodologies for Information Systems Development.
Since 1991, researcher at INESC
(Institute for Computers and System Engineering), in the Computer Graphics and
Multimedia group.
PhD in Software Engineering and Computers from Instituto Superior Técnico
(Universidade Técnica de Lisboa), in July 1998.
Presently auxiliary professor of the Mathematics Department at the Lisbon Technical
University's School of Agricultural Sciences (ISA).
From January 2001 to Decembre
2004 member of Conselho Directivo
of Instituto
Superior de Agronomia.
Since May 2003 President of Conselho
Pedagógico of Instituto Superior de Agronomia.
Member, Geographical Information Systems Users Association
Main interests: Geographical Information Systems, Software
Engineering, Information Systems, Database Management Systems.
Recent publications
- Z. Chora, M. R. Gomes, G. Abrantes. SIG no Suporte aos
Processos de Negócio do IVV. In ESIG 99 CD-ROM, 1999.
- Abrantes, M.G., Gomes, M.R., 1998. GEO-OMT, An Object-Oriented Method Supporting the Development of
Facilities Management Systems. GISPlanet'98 CD-ROM.
- Abrantes, M.G., 1998. Contribuições para uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de Sistemas
de Informação Geográfica. Dissertação
de Doutoramento, IST/UTL.
- Afonso, P., Gomes, M.R., Abrantes, M.G.,
1998. A Geomarketing Decision Support
System Based on Fuzzy Set Theory. Geocomputation
98 CD-ROM.
- Augusto, E., Gomes, M.R., Abrantes, M.G.,
Costa, J.M., 1997. Arquitecturas para Acesso a Informação Georreferenciada
através da WEB. Presentation to the 4th ESIG (Lisboa: USIG).
- Abrantes, M.G., Pinheiro, A., 1997. Behaviour
Modelling in Geographic Applications. In Geographical Informatio’
97 From Research to Application through Cooperation, Proceedings of
the 3 rd JEC, 1 editado por S. Hodgson, M. Rumor, J.J. Harts (Netherlands:
IOS Press), 254-257.
- Augusto, E., Gomes, M.R., Abrantes, M.G.,
1997. Accessing Geographic Data Through
WWW. In Geographical
Information’97 From Research
to Application through Cooperation, Proceedings of the 3 rd
JEC, 1, editado por S.
Hodgson, M. Rumor, J. J. Harts (Netherlands: IOS Press),
- Abrantes, M.G., 1996. The
Object-Oriented Approach to the Specification of Geographic Applications.
In Geographical Information From Research to Application through
Cooperation, Proceedings of the 2 nd
JEC, 1, editado por M.
Rumor, R. Mcmillen, H.F. Ottens
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press), 248-257.
- Costa, J., Pinheiro, A., Abrantes, G., 1995.
Desenvolvimento de aplicações para suporte de sistemas de redes - Estudo
de um caso: o SIGTPE. Presentation to the 3rd USIG. Lisboa 1995.
- Abrantes, M.G., Carapuça, R., 1994. Explicit
Representation of Data that Depend on Topological Relationships and
Control over Data Consistency. In EGIS/MARI’94
Conference Proceedings, 1, editado por J.J. Harts, H.F. Ottens,
H.J. Scholten (Utrecht/Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: EGIS Foundation), 878-887.
- Abrantes, G., 1993. Características da
Informação Geográfica em Formato Digital, Conceitos e Técnicas para a
Re-Utilização Eficaz dos Dados (Characteristics of Geographic Information
in Digital Format, Concepts and Techniques for an Efficient Re-use). Presentation
to the 2nd USIG, Estoril 1993.
Endereço Postal:
Profª Maria da Graça Silva Abrantes
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Tapada da Ajuda
1349-017 LISBOA