Rui Figueira
Associate Professor
Applications in Data ScienceBiography
Biologist, born in Madeira, Portugal, in 1969. He is Associate Professor of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia of the University of Lisbon and GBIF Node Manager for Portugal. He participated in several national and international projects in biodiversity informatics, agrobiodiversity, research infrastructures, ecology, biogeography and biodiversity and conservation. He represents Portugal in the ESFRI Environment Strategic Working Group, and is an additional national delegate to the GBIF Governing Board and the RI LifeWatch-ERIC General Assembly. He has experience in national and international training and capacity building in collections management systems, data standards, data quality, data publication and open data, ecology, ecotoxicology and geostatistics, including in supervising doctoral and master's theses. His skills include several scripting and programming languages, SQL, R, Pandas, cloud management (OpenStack), DwC and EML data standards..
The career as Assistant Professor starts in 2021:
- Coordinator of Green Data Science Master Programme, since 2022.
- Courses taught:
- On topic Data Science
- Fundamentals of Agro-Environmental Data Science
- Data Management and Storage
- On topic Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment
- Environment, resources and society (module "Biodiversity and Nature Conservation)
- Ecoturism and Valorization of Natural Resources (modules "Inventory of natural values, conservation, tools" and "Environmental education, citizen science, dissemination")
- On topic Geographic Information Systems
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geomatics